Mercury Opposite Neptune

Mercury opposite neptune
When in a natal chart, the Mercury Uranus opposition suggests an adventurous personality, someone who is not easy to pin down. When the Mercury opposite Uranus transit is in full action, people are having their days filled with abrupt upsets and their plans can change.
What does Mars opposite Neptune mean?
Mars opposite Neptune transit can bring discouragement, weakness, and feelings of inadequacy. This is a low point in your energy regarding sexuality and competitiveness. This is not the time to be striving hard for success, as you would come up against strong opposition and your chance of winning is not good.
What does Venus opposite Neptune mean?
Venus Opposite Neptune Transit As transiting Venus opposes your natal Neptune, you may feel pulled into a dream world of your ideals and the way you wish things could be in your relationships. You may feel a great heart opening during this time, and desire to be devotional to something or someone.
What does Mercury trine Neptune mean?
Mercury Trine Neptune Natal The powers of imagination and creative abilities may be extraordinary, or there may be an interest in the fine arts, religion, or foreign cultures that finds an easy outlet and encouragement.
What does Mercury in Uranus mean?
Mercury conjunct Uranus You are an independent thinker with progressive ideas. Many of you are brilliant in your own way, able to grasp a wide variety of topics with speed, although not always understood. Your thinking is often ahead of your time.
What does Venus opposite Uranus mean?
A natal Venus/Uranus opposition means you'll need to learn how to balance your desires for harmonious stability in relationship with your desires for excitement, change, and freedom from restrictive circumstances. You are attracted to unorthodox relationships and people who in some way go against societal conventions.
What does Saturn opposite Neptune mean?
Saturn opposite Neptune transit is a time of self-doubt and confusion which can have a negative impact on your relationships. You are likely to become confused about your responsibilities and what others expect of you. In fact, you may have a great deal of difficulty working out what to expect of yourself.
What does Mars conjunct Neptune mean?
Mars conjunct Neptune natal makes you passionate, romantic and mesmerizing. You have a special kind of aura that can fill a room and attract attention. Your very strong magnetic appeal can draw people in at the physical, sexual and mental levels.
What does Mars opposition Jupiter mean?
Mars square or opposition Jupiter. This aspect brings great impulsiveness, insatiable desires, playfulness, and daring. You might be frequently trying to prove yourself, to others and/or yourself, and thus readily take on a challenge. You desire exciting experiences and may rarely be satisfied with your life as it is.
Is Venus conjunct Neptune good?
Venus conjunct Neptune transit brings the potential for a new romance or more compassion and spiritual bonding in an existing relationship. However, this transit also comes with the risk of disappointment if you have not been accepting the harsh realities of a negative relationship.
What does Venus sextile Neptune mean?
Having Venus sextile Neptune at your birth gives you an imaginative, artistic quality that can be utilized in any form of creativity, music, performing arts, or design. You soak up the beauty and ecstasy of the natural world and the art you find inspirational.
What does sun square Neptune mean?
When Neptune forms a square aspect with the sun, it gives you a powerful imagination underlying your intellect that you can utilize in pioneering creative work. You are someone who perceives the world differently than the dominant beliefs and ideologies within the culture or family you grew up within.
What does Venus conjunct Mars mean?
A Venus-Mars conjunction in the natal chart can indicate a person who is seen by others as charismatic, assuming that person has successfully integrated Venus and Mars. This can lead to melding their feminine and masculine qualities.
What does Mercury Trine Ascendant mean?
Mercury trine Ascendant natal gives popularity, intelligence, and strategic ability. It makes you an accessible and down-to-earth person with unambiguous opinions you are willing to express. You are a good listener and talker in conversation and very perceptive.
What does Venus trine Ascendant mean?
Venus Trine Ascendant Natal With natal Venus trining your ascendant, you have a graceful and charming personality that tends to make a favorable impression on others. Even if you have unconventional tastes, you are able to harmonize and arrange your sense of aesthetics into an attractive and pleasing style.
Is Uranus male or female?
The male planets are Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn; Mercury and Uranus are neuter; Moon, Venus, Neptune, and Pluto are female (though Pluto is related to Mars despite its Dark Mother feminine archetype).
Which planet is responsible for electricity?
DVB: Mars is the planet that imparts energy, power, strength, and kingship.
What is Uranus responsible for?
Astrologically, Uranus is associated with extremes, breakthroughs and breakdowns, limitlessness, and being an outsider. While Saturn is the planet of limitations, Uranus is the planet that seeks to push past them—it's the inventor or “mad scientist” of the solar system.
What does Venus opposite Pluto mean?
Due to Venus being opposite to Pluto in the birth chart, you'll most definitely experience often infatuations and feelings of intense passion as well as physical desire. You'll feel a strong desire for others and they will, in turn, be subjected to the same obscure and possibly threatening attraction.
What happens when Saturn squares Uranus?
With Saturn forming a square to Uranus, there can be tension experienced as our needs for freedom and spontaneity seem to clash with a need for structure and stability. Ideally, we can find creative ways to satisfy these diverging needs, perhaps by giving form to our ideals and quest for progress.
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